jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" at the British Arts Centre in Buenos Aires

”The Merchant of Venice” is by anyone’s measure a timely play, even though William Shakespeare wrote it when capitalism was in its infancy. The Peripatetic English Speaking Theatre  (PEST) has announced the staging of the play at British Arts Centre, Suipacha 1333 on September 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 and on October third at 9p.m.
             In announcing the staging of the play about money lending, PEST explains that Shakespeare’s drama “offers the wisdom we need, a wisdom that goes deeper than the doctrine of any economic school and poses some questions that have a contemporary ring: How are the different ways of acquiring money related? Are they as unlike as they seem?”

    For tickets and information: 43936941 Email: asistentebac@aaci.org.ar / pestgroup@hotmail.com  Tickets: $60.