jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Script writing and role play seminar

Two Script Writing Seminars March 5th and 12th in Buenos Aires

You don't have to be an actor, but if you have an adventurous heart and a fairly good level of English you will have fun at two script writing seminars being organized by Alfred Hopkins, March 5th and 12th from 7:30 to 10 pm at an English Institute in Buenos Aires.

   Think of a character or characters and try to describe them as well as possible before you come to the first encounter. We will use role-play and dramatic technique to enhance them, and find the problems and/or conflicts they face and must resolve. Information will be provided on how to go about script writing, some of the secrets of the trade. We suggest that you work on few characters, in order to go more deeply into them. You may also want to work on a monologue or a sort of "stand Up" which you might be working on.

    What we propose is a brief introduction, which may also spark your interest in writing and acting.

    At the second encounter we will read and discuss the short-short plays or monologues the participants have prepared.

    Although we strongly suggest attending both seminars, you may participate in either the first or the second separately. However, if you take only the second seminar, you should bring at least a rough draft of an idea you are working on. 

      The place: Aráoz 1660

   The cost: $380 pesos for both seminars, $200 if you take them separately.

   Contacts:  hopalf@hotmail.com  / tallerdeingles@fibertel.com.ar Phones: 4342 3588 
 or 1562521028.

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